Friday, December 5, 2014

1920s Photo Story

4.03 Assignment - Roaring 20s


During the time of the prohibition, alcoholic beverages were restricted or illegal. The plan for prohibition was to reduce crime rate, lower social problems and taxes. Instead of prohibition helping with these problems, crime went through the roof, illegal alcohol was being made which was dangerous, jails became too full and corruption was common.
Image (right) - Chicago, Illinois Prohibition

Video Example -

Harlem Renaissance

The Harlem Renaissance was a cultural movement which included the new African-American cultural expressions all over the northeast and midwest. Harlem was the largest center of the Great Migration of Africa Americans from the south to the north. African American writers, poets, artists, actors and musicians became a popular during this time.
Image (right) - Title: Home to Harlem/ Author: Claude McKay/ Artist: Ray Johnson
(below) - Harlem's Cotton Club (1920s)


Fundamentalism was a movement during the late 19th century & early 20th century and was an alarming belief for most Americans. Urbanization and change away from traditional values worried American people. Fundamentalism is a religious viewpoint based on the belief that biblical events happened exactly as described. 
(above) - "Save our Students" - June 1931

New Roles for Women

In the 1920s, one of the largest social changes was the change in women's roles. Women went to college to work in workforce fields like social work, nursing, and teaching. Women not only changed with more education and work but also visual changes. Young women cut their hair short, wore more reviling clothing, wore makeup, went out and partied,  and drank illegally. 

(left) - flapper in 1920s

Cultural Change

There were many new changes during the 1920s and some large cultural changes also. Dancing was a popular thing as well as jazz music. Building architecture was in the style of art deco. Going to the movies was also another popular thing that people in the 1920s would go do. Last but not least, Americans became largely involved with sports; like football and baseball.  
(right) New York State Reformatory baseball team in 1920
(below) New York cr. 1920 "Casino Theater"

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